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Thing A Week 3 - Save The Date Comic

Sorry, but this week you can’t see the full final product of my Thing A Week. I used this last week to write and draw a comic that we might use as part of our Save The Date cards (if you didn’t know already, I’m getting married soon) so I want to keep the final comic unpublished until we send those out.

This Thing A Week was pretty straight forward: write and draw a comic. This is something I’ve done many times before. The main challenge was getting it good enough to print on cards and mail to friends and family. It just feels like because this is for the wedding, I should set the bar heigher than I would for a web comic. I’m always worried about my art not being good enough, so this comic was a bit stressful at times.

The layout wasn’t too complicated but some of the poses and body positions were just a little odd for me and it took a bit to get them right. Like most comics I spent some time planning out the pannels and doing some quick sketches of a few poses before starting on the actual comic. I also decided to work at a larger scale, using 8.5 x 14 paper. This is always nice because I feel like I can work on details a lot better at this size.

I suppose there’s not much more to say about this project. I’m a bit torn on what to work on next week, it’s currently between writing a song that uses my new bass pedal, working on a programming project for the wedding, or starting to work on a new idea for Big CoreUs.