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for all your Dave Schwantes related needs

Divorce and the American South Cover

Eileen was out of town this weekend so, as I typically do in these situations, I took advantage of the time do some recording. As mentioned in previous posts, I’ve really been into the Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties record so I decided to finally record one of those songs, Divorce and the American South.

Here’s a link to the song if you want to listen right away.

This is a pretty faithful cover. I didn’t deviate too much from the original version and actually resisted my urge to add some lead guitar parts to the song. In place of the slide guitar, prominently featured in the original song, I focused more on the organ part to do something tonally interesting against the acoustic guitar. The organ also just fills the song out nicely without adding a bass part.

I also recorded some saxophone for the first time since recording the last Captain Supreme song, which was pretty fun.

This recording session gave me the chance to really work with with my new vocal mic (MLX 2003A) and my new monitors (JBL LSR305s). I ended up using the MLX for both vocals and the acoustic guitar and just used my SM57 for the sax. It was really nice to be able actually hear things in the mix with the new monitors. Hopefully the end result is better for that clarity.

As always, vocals were a challenge. They’re not perfect but I feel like I’m making progress, which is always nice.
